‘Height-increasing socks’ are no.1 product sold by For the Style
accesorio-conciertos, bazar, camisetas 7:25
Seoul, Korea – After the loser controversy regarding the height of men, the new ‘height-increasing socks’ are being welcomed by fans of slip soles.With the recent interest in height-increasing products for men, this product has been a hot issue. French president Nicolas Sarkozy, known for having a short frame, attended the G20 summit wearing slip sole shoes and members of 2PM remarked that one of the members wore slip soles during their early years.
The ‘height-increasing socks’ were first featured in the MBC program Ditto! Special World, in their coverage of the success story of ‘For the Style’s young CEO and sales have taken the top spot among their products. The reason for its popularity is that it no one can know about it even indoors when on a date with a girl.
The secret behind the ‘height-increasing socks’ is that, unlike general slip soles which are designed to match the size of the shoe, this product has a smooth surface on the back sole of the feet. When wearing socks, one cannot tell with the naked eye.
The trend is becoming greater because the variety of heightener shoes and slip soles are increasing, and the sizes are becoming more diverse, from 2cm up to 12cm. Thus, if company A, which specializes in shoes, holds a 50% sale for slip soles, then company B just gives them away from free when purchasing shoes.
‘For the Style’s Lee Min Kyu, famous for being a loser type for his 168cm height, remarks “I have many forgettable memories of trying to hide the slip soles in my shoes when going to restaurants”, adding “this ‘height-increasing’ socks feel like they are part of your feet, making it a product that will sell because of its high quality”.
By Yoo Jin Hee (star@jtn.co.kr)
Source: JTN (Original article in Korean)